Faculty, students, and staff across the country are calling for their universities to become sanctuary campuses following the 2016 presidential elections. While the “sanctuary campus” definition may differ from school to school, policy demands include items such as not assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement in investigations on the immigration status of students and helping all students financially, including those in the country without proper documentation.
This move comes in response to President-elect Donald Trump’s vow to deport millions of undocumented immigrants and to put an end to President Obama’s 2012 executive order, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which grants some undocumented young people in the United States temporary relief from the threat of deportation.
More than 90 college and university presidents have signed a statement calling for the United States to maintain DACA. Endangered Scholars Worldwide stands in support with this statement. We believe that upholding DACA will ensure the mission of institutions of higher learning to provide safe environments in which everyone is respected and teaching and learning is fostered.